Archive for December, 2008

Dec 16 2008 - Last MacWorld Expo for Apple

No Jobs keynote this year either. Not sure how to react to this news:
More later…
Update: After giving this a few minutes to sink in, my general feeling is: This is a terrible idea for two reasons:
1) Apple gets a tremendous amount of press around MacWorld and dropping out of the show assumes [...]

Dec 16 2008 - Even $137,500 Can’t Guarantee Conference Internet

Le Web, the annual Internet trade show and conference in Paris spent $137,500 (100,000 Euros) trying to get a stable connection for their speakers, attendees and press room without luck.
This continues to be a major problem for show organizers. I’ve ranted about this so much I’m not sure I have anything left.
Current solutions simply [...]

Dec 10 2008 - We’ve Sold New Media Expo

I’ve posted about this on my personal blog, but I thought I’d also post here about the business side of the transaction for the organizers who read
Deciding if it was time to sell this particular event wasn’t tough. One thing that I know about myself very well is that I love to start [...]