Archive for October, 2007

Oct 13 2007 - Link to Our Speaker Agreement

I’ve received a handful of emails asking where to find our speaker agreement. Here it is. I’m open to any suggestions anyone has to improve it.
Yes it’s long, but it’s actually about one-third the length it was in the original drafts. But the length and detail, I believe, let’s our speakers know how [...]

Oct 11 2007 - The Tricky Business of Event Names

I was asked to guest post over at the Confabb Blog. Here is my post below.
Naming a new conference or tradeshow is tricky business. I know – I’ve changed the name of one of our shows every year since the inaugural event – and probably broken every brand marketing rule in the book by [...]

Oct 9 2007 - “Tim, Your Speaker Was High During His Session”

We’ve finished the Speaker Agreement for 2008 event. Because we’re paying our speakers next year a percentage of the profits, we’ve added in quite a bit more language about how they need to perform in order to get paid and what we are expecting from them. Yet, like any contract, you have to [...]

Oct 9 2007 - General Attendee Surveys Aren’t Worth The Hassle

Getting attendee feedback seems to be a standard practice in the tradeshow business. Learning how we can do a better job by asking the attendees what they liked and didn’t like, in theory, is suppose to help us improve our events so that more attendees are satisfied and more come back in the future. [...]

Oct 3 2007 - We’re Paying Our Speakers a Percentage

We just launched our speaker proposal page for the 2008 New Media Expo in Las Vegas. We made a few changes to the submission process for next year including A) not taking requests for panelists and B) we’ve decided to pay our speakers. I’ve been thinking about this for a while now. Although [...]

Oct 3 2007 - Ordering a Half Sandwhich But Paying For a Whole

Update: I’ve worked it out with pc/nametag. As I expected, it took calling American Express and initiating a chargeback to get their attention. When they realized they weren’t going to get paid anything, and that we might be going to court over it, they decided to give me a call. We came to [...]