Archive for May, 2005

May 26 2005 - When To Post The Exhibitor List

I had a preliminary exhibitor list of about a dozen companies posted on my site – until yesterday. I took it down and replaced it with a “coming soon” message. I took it down because I think it was hurting our ability to bring in other exhibitors.
It goes back to the [...]

May 26 2005 - Exhibit Space Pricing

Pricing exhibit space is more of an art than a science of course, but I’d really like to find a better way to work out the cost of booth than the “what the market will bear” type pricing. The Digital Life show in New York City is nearly twice as much as Podcast & [...]

May 21 2005 - Backing Up Your Advertising

This is more of a rant than perhaps a lesson, but it’s been on my mind lately. When talking to prospective exhibitors and sponsors, I am honest and sincere about what the show will be like. It does me no good to get their money for one show, have them be unhappy, and [...]

May 21 2005 - Under-promising and Over-delivering

There is a great deal of guesstimating that goes into a launch event and I am getting increasingly uncomfortable with guesstimating. Every potential exhibitor and attendee asks, “how many people will be there?” It’s a fair question, but to answer it truthfully, I have to explain myself when giving an answer. My [...]

May 19 2005 - Outsourcing Sales

We’re just under six months away from Podcast & Portable Media Expo. I’ve been considering hiring another sales person to the team, but really don’t want the expenses of another employee at this point. So I am considering hiring someone to work as an independent contractor from home. I outsource nearly every [...]

May 12 2005 - Getting on a Plane

Knowing when a conference call is enough and when getting on a plane is needed, is a fine line. As a startup I have limited resources (time and money) to make in-person visits. And yet sitting down in front of someone, even for five minutes, can really do wonders in bridging the gap [...]

May 4 2005 - The Disney Podcast Team

I had the privilege of being a small part of the podcasting team Disney hired to produce podcasts for the 50th Birthday of Disneyland. It’s gotten Disney a lot of buzz in the podcasting community and it was interesting to see a Fortune 100 company diving headfirst into this new medium. It [...]